Video Challenge FAQ’s

The official event title is – The BL Blast Off Video Challenge Presented By GoPro

What are the Dates?

Video submissions open October 15th 2021 and entries will close 26th November 2021
Voting closes 29th November 2021
Winners announced during finals week
Eligibility – you must be 14 or under as of the 26th November 2021

How many videos can I upload?

Kids can upload as many videos as they want throughout the event window but there is a limit of 2 video submissions per day.

What are the rules around the videos?

Videos can be a maximum of 1 minute in length and any duration under that. 
Any style of video can be uploaded. It could be edited or raw, have sound added or the live sound from the camera, it can be a single wave and entered in the best wave category, a single move like a tube, Air or Wipeout. 
Or it could just show a heap of STOKE and whatever puts smiles on faces and puts a smile on ours could win. 

Who can enter?

Blast Off events are open to boys and girls 14 years and under as of the last day of the event window and from anywhere in the world. 
Blast Off is not about being the best but about being your best and helping you to do it and in that way is open to all levels of surfers and the prize is being a part of a positive grom community focussed on surfing and living stoked.

How do I know what age group I am in?

You will be in the age division that caters for your age as at the last day of the event window – 26th November 2021. For example if you are 11 on the 26/11/2021 you would be in the 12s and under, if you were 10 you would be in the 10s.
Dates are below for convenience.

14 & under 27/11/2006 – 26/11/2008
12 & under 27/11/2008 – 26/11/2010
10 & under 27/11/2010 – 26/11/2012
8 & under 27/11/2012 – 26/11/2014
6 & under  27/11/2014 – xxx

How much does the video challenge cost?

2021 entry fee is $10 in either AUD, USD or EUR.

What are the categories awarded?

There will be daily winners for the Most Entertaining Clips and weekly High Performance winners.
Category winners, Best Wave, Worst Wipe Out, Best Tube, Best Air.
The kid who brings the STOKE awards
Most Improved Boy and Girl
Peoples Vote Winner
The Experts Choice
GoPro Point Of View
The judging panel will be announced soon.

Where do I go to enter?

Entering and submitting videos is via is an information portal

What hashtag do I use on social media?


What Platform is it hosted on?

When are videos uploaded to the event page?

We will upload videos as soon as they have been approved for publication.

Who are the sponsors?

Boost Mobile 
Perfect Wave 
Surf Lakes 
Channel Islands Surfboards 
Lost Mayhem Surfboards 
Spy Optics
Future Fins
Amazon Power  
Simba Helmets
Mink Systems
Beehive PR

If I win how do I get my prizes?

All Prizes will be delivered by the sponsor to the winner’s address, and all winners will be notified by email.

Will I need to show proof of age?

Yes all prize winners will be required to provide proof of age via a screenshot emailed to [email protected] 

What is stoke?

Stoke is that feeling of joy and inspiration you receive from challenging yourself, progressing and growing.
It is the natural high you get from surfing and when we say we want to see your stoke we mean we want to feel your happiness that you get to go to the beach and ride the ocean’s energy.
Stoke is when you put a smile on other people’s faces.